To all those who think that they are quite aware on the knowledge of sex, here are few pointers or what we can call guidelines that can clear you of few perceptions.
It is often believed that women tend to lose interest in sex as they approach menopause but truth is, it has nothing to do with such process. A report says that women tend to have the same interest and it is rather spontaneous. Moreover, the research says that women know what they want and more educated at that point of time so sex is high at that point.
There is another perception that the only hormone which is the key for libido is testosterone but truth is, though testosterone is important the researchers say that there are few other hormones that play an important role. While Estrogen is important, cortisol is harmful and if your body focuses on various other things of life then sex may not be in the menu.
The other belief is if you are truly in love then that increases the desire for sex and high libido. But fact is that one must focus on the interests of the partner and keep that as a top priority only then the passion factor will be alive and creativity can be explored in the bedroom.
Being healthy will increase the sexual desire is another perception that runs strong. However, the fact according to experts is, there is a huge variety in appetite and libido from person to person. What matters is how much you and your partner are happy without comparison with others.
Another imagination is that if you are very connected with your partner, you don’t really have to ask what you need as they will know. Well, this is also an assumption and the researchers say that it always helps to have an open talk. This becomes important during issues of pregnancy, menopause etc. Also, it is advisable to keep your partner in the loop if you notice any changes in your sexual desire.
The regular feeling is that the most important sex organ is right at the bottom but no, the scientific persons say that it is not down but at the top ie the brain. Remember that one has to find himself or herself irresistible only then the partner will also find you irresistible. There is also a myth that if you are not having a partner there is no point in having a sexual drive but the experts feel otherwise. They say that one must learn to arouse themselves and that is an important skill, that way the passion remains strong and makes you desirable.
It is often said that women are the only ones with low libido but then a similar situation is found in men as well. Consumption of alcohol, usage of medicines, stress, addiction to drugs and other ailments reduce the libido in a big way. Also, the belief is that hormonal issues in women tend to put them low in sexual desire but the specialists say that issues such as physical problems, surgery, vaginal pain or dryness also tend to affect their passions.
So folks, use your experience, take a reference from the above and lead a happy and satisfied sexual life with your loved one.
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